
My name is Jen, and I’m a fellow journeyer toward improved health, just like you.

I’m currently on the Raw Til 4, but some days are 100% raw (with a foundation of 80/10/10 – 90/5/5 raw vegan) version of the raw food lifestyle, and LOVING IT!

My goal is for it to help people, along with myself.  I want it to be…

Easy… on your wallet

Easy… on your health

Easy… on your time

Easy… on your waistline

Keepitfruity and healthy with me at…


 Books I Recommend:
80/10/10 by Dr. Douglas Graham
Books by Megan Elizabeth for Recipes and Lifestyle
The China Study by T. Colin Campbell
Sacred Journey by Brian and Candice Simmons

5 responses to “About

  1. Excited to have found your blog! Yay! Looks like a there’s a ton of helpful info 🙂

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  3. Pingback: Health Room Liebster Award | Health RoomHealth Room

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